The leading yacht note taking app

for every yacht at every show.         

Take advantage of 8000+ pre-loaded yachts for charter and sales, allowing you to capture details in text, video or image formats. Keep all your custom notes in one place for easy access and to share with colleagues. Enjoy the convenience of accessing your notes anytime, anywhere.

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Say goodbye to scattered yacht inspection notes and hello to YachtNoter.

Review any yacht

Pick from thousands of yachts or add your own to your private library.

Keep organized

Manage your comprehensive library and keep your notes organized in one place.

Access anywhere

Easily access your notes online or offline, so they're always on hand.

Find pre-loaded charter & sales yachts for every event.

YachtNoter shows

Find yacht show bundles by searching tagged event locations.

YachtNoter Pick Your Yachts

Select sales or charter yachts and add to your library.

YachtNoter Notes & Ratings

Add notes as ratings, text, images and videos.

YachtNoter Share Notes with Colleagues

Effortlessly share your notes with colleagues.